There are, of course, hundreds or even thousands of ways to be happy, but there 5 very easy ways to be happy every day. Basic and simple habit changes can affect your happiness. Now, I wouldn’t say your happiness will soar into outer space, but doing these 5 things every day is a darn good start.

1. Do not start each day in a rush. In fact, get up a little earlier. Don’t hit snooze, don’t mope around getting out of bed, just get up and start or do your morning routine. If you wake up in a half zombie-like state, take a shower, stretch, and have a relaxing cup of coffee or tea (I hear water is good for ya) after. Or, open the curtains and allow the sunshine to hit your face, or motion-senor light of your neighbors if you’re one those on the night shift. Either way, make a habit of doing uplifting tasks. Change them up from time to time to keep life interesting. Walk the dog and get your blood pumping, or watch the news, that generally works too. Basically, just don’t be lazy and dread the day. That’s a really crummy way to start anyhow.

2. Make a list of positive affirmations, as many or few as you like, but make them. A positive affirmation is a statement to change negative habits or thoughts. Such as:

I will only look for the positive today.

I am happy and strong.

Today is going to be a great day.

You can make your own or find oodles or prewritten affirmations. Recite or read these affirmations every morning. Make them a habit. You will be surprised how you will feel.

3. Plan your day or make a list of tasks you would like to complete or goals you have. Try to complete what you put on your list, so don’t get over ambitious and set a ridiculous goal. The point is to accomplish the tasks or goals and check them off. Accomplishment induces pride in a person’s self and therefore, induces happiness.

**TIP – Instead of checkmarks, use gold stars like the ones teachers use. 🙂

From my garden

4. Find enjoyment in the small things around you. Maybe it’s the flowers blooming in your yard. Or maybe it’s an adorable elderly couple walking and holding hands, even after all the years. And children are so amazing to watch when they’re playing without regard to the world around them. Then again, you can find joy in the scent of your morning coffee.

Take the little things in and savor them, enjoy them, and allow them to sink in. Feel gratitude for the little things in your life. They add up fast and can help propel your mind into happiness. And the best part…It’s free.

5. Force yourself to begin focusing on the positive. Of course, you will have something negative at some point in time, so don’t ignore it…find a solution and let it go.

It is hard to let our anger and irritation go at times, especially right away, but it you want to be happy, happier, or more at peace, you must develop this habit.

While we’re on the topic of focusing on the positive, evaluate your days and seek out negativity in your life. Is it the news on TV? Facebook? Believe it or not, but external sources of negativity pile up in your subconscious, or can if you refuse to allow them to affect you. Some people cannot and then we get an overloaded Thanksgiving plate of food that we’ll never finish. That’s the power of negativity, it just piles up and up. Find ways to clear the negative clutter. If Facebook or the news or whatever it may be adds to you negative feelings, ditch it and replace it. I’ve replaced the news with positive podcasts. I mowed for three hours today while listening and feel like a Rockstar.

What it comes down to is this: We are what we believe and how we allow ourselves to feel. We can change all of it. We can rewire our brains and be happy. Do realize it won’t happen over night, but with dedication and simple changes, you can begin to sow the seeds of happiness in your mind and life right now.